Latest News From Kristin Leigh Lore

Kristin Leigh Lore
How New Carbon Claims Shortchange Sustainable Agriculture and Why It Matters

“I believe we have to broaden the conversation beyond just low carbon,” said Amy Skoczlas Cole. “If we can reconnect to the roots of what this is all about—rather than counting molecules—we will be so much better off.”

Despite challenges, almond crop anticipated to weigh in above 2022
Despite challenges, almond crop anticipated to weigh in above 2022

Almond crop production has kicked off this August with improved expectations that a heftier almond will offset the lowest almonds-per-acre-yield since 2009, according to a recent USDA report.

California almond acreage shrinks for first time in 25 years
California almond acreage shrinks for first time in 25 years

The reduction is due to orchards facing drought conditions and extreme weather, according to a recent report.